Friday, January 30, 2015


"Perch," Acrylic on Panel 50x30" (L-shaped)

I have no idea why the transparent bit is showing up as grey, but here's my new piece.  As part of the boxes series, I wanted to play around with odd-shaped boards.  Here's an L.  I picture her sitting atop the corner of a door somewhere.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Winter Trees

"Winter Trees," Acrylic on (4) Panels in Vintage Window Frame,
I've been wanting to play around with paintings in windows for a while.  When I was doing my multi-panel landscapes, I noticed that the spaces between seemed like an implied window frame.  Taking the trompe d'oeil to the next level, I wanted to put a landscape in a real window.  My neighbor had a number of vintage windows and was kind enough to let me try an experiment with one.  Not sure how I feel about the results, I'll have to sit with it a while.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Lost and Found

"Lost and Found," Acrylic on Board, 30x40"
It's a new year and I'm finally back to doing some landscapes.  My color reference for this one was much more muted -- I can't seem to help myself from using bright colors.  Now I just have to do dozen more so I'm ready for my Davis show in August!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


"Curl," Acrylic on Board, 30x30"
It feels like I'm painting more slowly this year -- though perhaps it's just the cold.  The cold and my unheated studio definitely seem to be inspiring the use of cooler colors.  I'm also trying to limit the palette to achieve a more unified tone.  My series is supposed to have lots of different women, but I can't seem to stop painting Meghan.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

At Bay

"At Bay," Acrylic on Board, 48x36"
It's the new year and I'm finally back in my studio - hooray!  This girl kept getting more and more blue as I worked not the painting.  I like the final effect - especially with the contrast of the maroon hair.  Looking at it small not eh screen, I see that it has a palette similar to my "Dreaming of Snow" piece.  Coincidence or just the way I feel in the colder weather?