Friday, May 31, 2013


"Thrash", Acrylic on Panel, 5x7"
Click here for purchase information

I'm always struck by how trees look like they're in motion.  It's surreal how much they can twist, lean and bend while remaining upright.  This group of trees seemed like they were dancing.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Road to the Sea

"Road to the Sea", Acrylic on Panel, 5x7"
Click here for purchase information

This is something I saw on our recent vacation to the Midwest.  We stopped overnight at a hotel that was on the edge of a lake.  There was the end of the old, broken road that ran right into the water.  I have no idea what it might have been used for - launching boats maybe.  In any case, I thought it was interesting.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


"Sign", Acrylic on Panel, 7x5"

Click here for purchase information

I love how the figure is blocked by the car - especially how you can just see the eyes peeking over the top.  Somehow it makes the whole thing seem more bleak.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


"Street", Acrylic on Panel, 7x5"
Click here for purchase information

I'm back from my midwestern odyssey and back to painting.  I hadn't realized what a relief it would be to get back to the studio.

I saw this girl several years ago.  She was sitting on the curb next to a bus stop and snapped a photo with my phone.  I've been meaning to do a painting of her ever since.  There something about the hunched posture and her extreme thinness that appeals to me.  The palette is a bit more subdued than my norm, but I like it.

Friday, May 17, 2013


"Me", Acrylic on Panel, 7x5"
Here's a quick self-portrait to end the week.  It's distinctly unflattering...but I'm posting it in the spirit of not editing my daily works.  I am going to draw the line however, at posting it on the daily painters site.

I'm heading out of town on a family vacation, so I'll be offline for a week.  I'm hoping to return with lots of new reference photos and inspiration.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Night Sky

"Night Sky", Acrylic on Panel, 5x7"
Click here for purchase information

It's my habit to go out to the studio very early - really more like the middle of the night.  This is the sky I saw one day on my way out and I've been meaning to paint it ever since.  Something about the moon, clouds and the trees was very beautiful.  The painting doesn't really do it justice, but at least it helps me remember the sight.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


"Lantern", Acrylic on Panel, 7x5"
Click here for purchase information

I've been trying out the 'smear' technique on smaller paintings now.  Check out the foliage on the bottom - pretty nice.  The image is based on a photo my sister took in San Francisco.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


"Smear", Acrylic on Panel, 36x24"

I didn't get a chance to do small paintings the last couple of days because I was trying out a new technique in a large painting.  I wanted to play around with using pieces of mat board to 'smear' paint on the panel.  It's kind of hard to see in such a small picture, but the effect is nice.  I think I'll use this on my next big painting.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


"Turn", Acrylic on Panel, 5x7"
Click here for purchase information

Here's another homeless image to complete the set for the week. I think I'll try something else next week, though I suspect that now I've started again, I'll do more.

This guy hangs out at the turn I take to go to the art supply store, so I see him fairly often.  I feel a bit creepy sneaking the pictures, but I find that the photos aren't as interesting if the subject is aware of me. I think of it sometimes as being on homeless safari, which is an apt description, because there is a sense of danger in the hunt.  Not that I think they'll do anything to hurt me, but if they see me, I feel shame that I'm using them for my art without giving anything back.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


"Lift", Acrylic on Panel, 7x5"
Click here for purchase information

Here's a mini version of an image I've done before, as part of my homeless series.  I wanted to try it with different (cooler) colors.  I love the drama of the pose.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


"Wait", Acrylic on Panel, 7x5"
Click here for purchase information

Here is another small, disturbing painting for a Wednesday.  For some reason, I find these more difficult to paint than I did before.  I'm going to do a few more to finish out the week though.

I like the odd colors and especially the ghastly color of the skin - kind of like walking (sitting) dead.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


"Hungry", Acrylic on Panel, 7x5"
Click here for purchase information

Here's another homeless image for a sunny (at least here) Tuesday.    I like making the faces a bit blurred - an echo of how I actually look/don't look at them as I drive past.

I've been playing around with a bit of color-blocking to add drama.  Not sure yet if I think it works.

Monday, May 6, 2013


"Slump", Acrylic on Panel, 5x7"
Click here for purchase information

WEST is finally over and it was a great, though exhausting.  One of the things I realized while I was talking with various people about my art was the I've missed doing my homeless images and that the daily paintings might be an ideal place to pick them up again.  They're not exactly cheerful, but I feel like drawing attention to the homeless individuals who have become so ubiquitous in the urban landscape, is important.  They're as much a part of the daily experience of Austin as the live oaks and magnolia trees.

I'll still do other sorts of images, but expect to see more of these over the next few months.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Peppers Alfresco

"Peppers Alfresco", Acrylic on Panel, 5x7"
Click here for purchase information.

A bonus painting for today, to make up for my spotty performance during the week.  I'm still loving the peppers...

Friday, May 3, 2013

Pepper Square

"Pepper Square", Acrylic on Panel, 6x6"
Click here for purchase information

I didn't get a daily painting done yesterday because I was frantically trying to finish a new piece for the second weekend of the West Austin Studio Tour.  I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.  For those of you in Austin, I'd recommend stopping by the weekend to see if in person.  I'll be posting it on my Facebook page ( shortly. are some more peppers.  Why do I like painting them so much?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


"Scratch", Acrylic on Panel, 5x7"
Click here for purchase information

I can't believe that it's already the beginning of May... How is this year going by so fast?

Here's another little house.  I had fun with this one, scratching into the paint with the handle of my brush.  I like the effect and think I'll play around with the technique in some of my larger pieces.  I like the fine line it creates and the way you can layer the colors - kind of like home-made scratch board.