Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday Doll

"Thursday Doll", Acrylic on Panel, 7x5"
Click here for purchase information.

I like the smirk on this doll - looks like she's about to get up to trouble.

On a separate note, I'm really liking the days of the week names.  It makes me think of that nursery rhyme, "Monday's child is…".   I think I'll try the same with different subjects.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday Doll

"Wednesday Doll", Acrylic on Panel, 7x5"
Click here for purchase information.

I love this doll - with her broken doll and her creepy, old-fashion wig.  I've painted her before and will probably paint her again.  Who do you suppose posed her with the headless doll?  What was that person thinking when he/she did it?

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday Dolls

"Tuesday Dolls", Acrylic on Panel, 7x5"
Click here for purchase information.

I like how the division of the colors make them look almost like tribal totems, rather than dolls.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday Dolls

"Monday Dolls", Acrylic on Panel. 7x5"
Click here for purchase information.

A couple of years ago I went to visit a friend out in Santa Monica and we went to this amazing doll museum.  I was struck by how wonderfully creepy the dolls were and went through a phase where I painted several of the things I saw that day.   I always wanted to get back to it, so here is some further exploration in the form of daily paintings.

I find myself compelled to use extra bright colors - a guess to contrast the actual pastel, faded drabness of most of the dolls.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Warhol Redux

"Warhol Redux", Acrylic on Panel, 7x5"
Click here for purchase information.

Clearly I was struggling for a subject today... but I had a brainstorm this morning about what I'm going to tackle next week - stay tuned!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Orange Pepper

"Orange Pepper", Acrylic on Panel, 7x5"
Click here for purchase information.

Another day, another pepper.  I love painting these.  Why is that?  But look, I'm actually doing my daily painting.  Hooray for me.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


"Potassium", Acrylic on Panel, 5x7"
Click here for purchase information.

Look, I've done an actual daily painting today!  We have a lot of bananas around the house of late.  My son, after a school field trip to Whole Foods, insists on having one banana (no more, no less) a day to get his daily supply of potassium.  Yes, he's an interesting kid.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


"Flicker", Acrylic on Board, 24x18"
Yet again I've put off doing my daily paintings in favor of working on a larger piece...   This one is called 'Flicker' because of the quality of light filtered through the foliage.  This is an odd, awkward pose that I nonetheless find appealing.  It's a companion piece for "Flotsam".

Friday, October 18, 2013


"Verdant", Acrylic on Board, 20x16"

Here's a new, smallish painting that I just completed.  We've had a lot of rain recently and Austin feels green and vibrant - which I think is captured in this painting.  Looking at this outside of the studio, I see that it is very similar in color and composition to Slant... I guess it's just my current mood.

I'm finding is harder and harder to do the daily paintings.  I'm thinking that I may continue this as just a blog about the works I do - rather than imposing the constraint of having to do a daily painting.  I just can't  seem to find a groove w/the smaller sizes and it's not practical to expect to do a large one every day.  We'll see...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

In The Garden

"In The Garden", Acrylic on Board, 24x18"
I'm taking a pass on a daily painting today in favor of completing one of my larger pieces.  I love the color and sense of light in this one.  I feel a bit bad that I hired this model and keep doing pictures where her face is obscured by her hair, but I just love the pink hair (it really was that color).

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Colored Pumpkins

"Colored Pumpkins", Acrylic on Panel, 8x8"
Click here for purchase information

Over the weekend, my daughter (4 years old) and were painting some of our pumpkins with acrylic paint.  It inspired me to try the some different colors on the pumpkins in my painting today.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


"Heat", Acrylic on Panel, 8x10"
Click here for purchase information

This, as you'll note,  is not a pumpkin.  I felt like doing a figure study from one of my earlier sessions.  Doesn't she look sultry?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pumpkins on Porch

"Pumpkins on Porch", Acrylic on Panel, 5x7"
Click here for purchase information

Here's another image of pumpkins - these are piled up on my back porch railing.  They're really quite a lot of fun to paint - gorgeous colors and shiny highlights.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


"Pumpkins", Acrylic on Panel, 8x8"
Click here for purchase information

As promised, here are some pumpkins.  I bought a bunch of these to get into the halloween mood, so expect to see a few more paintings of them, both whole and carved.  Though after my pumpkin carving accident last year, (8 stitches...), I'm a little nervous at the prospect.

Monday, October 7, 2013


"Slant", Acrylic on Panel, 36x24"
I'm back after a week-long break and am starting this off with a new large work (which I actually started last week before I left town).  Tomorrow, I'm back to normal dailies and will be starting off with pumpkins. :)