Saturday, May 23, 2015

Defiance in Color

"Defiance in Color," Acrylic on Board, 48x60" 
It's been a slow month as far as the blog is concerned.  I suppose I could retroactively post images from the oil painting workshop...

In the meantime, here's my latest big acrylic painting.  I was forced to use such a subdued palette while figure painting, that I couldn't help using lots of color in this landscape.  The building peeking from the distance is the pedestrian bridge near town lake (aka Ladybird Lake).

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Monarch Sunset

"Monarch Sunset," Acrylic on Panels in Vintage Window
One last painting before the West craziness starts.  I was inspired on this one by Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver (great book).